
How the Mount Points Tab Works for Centova Cast.

The Mount Points tab provides an interface for managing the mount points on the client's server. Mount points allow the creation of multiple, distinct broadcasts within the streaming server.

By convention, a mount point named /stream should always exist and be the default mount point. Additional mount points may, however, be created to allow for additional broadcasts.

Creating Mount Points

To create a new mount point, click the Create new button below the mount point list. Then, configure the mount point fields per the appropriate Mount Point Options section below.

Editing Mount Points

To edit an existing mount point, simply click on its entry in the mount point list. Then, configure the mount point fields per the appropriate Mount Point Options section below.

Removing Mount Points

To remove an existing mount point, simply click on its entry in the mount point list, then click the Remove button below the mount point list.

Mount Point Options (SHOUTcast v2)

The mount point editor is arranged into tabs which logically group sets of options for the mount point. The tabs available include:

  • Settings
    Configures the basic options for the mount point.

    • Stream path
      Specifies the path (name) for the mount point. The name should always begin with a forward slash (/), for example: /stream
  • AutoDJ Settings
    Each mount point may either be independent, or use the autoDJ.

    If the mount point is independent, it may be used with a live source to create a separate broadcast that is completely independent of any other mount points on the server.

    An account can only have a single autoDJ, however, so if the mount point uses the autoDJ, it can only be used to rebroadcast the main autoDJ stream (for example, to create multiple streams for the same station at different bit rates).

    • Use autoDJ
      Specifies whether or not this mount point should use the autoDJ. If this is set to No, the rest of the options on this tab are disabled.

    • Audio encoder
      Specifies the audio format to use for this mount point. Supported options include AAC+, for a low-bandwidth AAC+ stream, or MP3, for a more common MP3-format stream.

    • Bit rate
      Specifies the bit rate at which the autoDJ will encode the audio on this mount point. Note that the combined total bit rates of all mount points may not exceed the maximum bit rate for the client's account.

    • Channels
      Specifies whether the autoDJ will encode in Stereo or Mono on this mount point.

    • Sample rate
      Specifies the sample rate at which the autoDJ will encode the audio on this mount point.

    • MP3 CBR/VBR mode
      Specifies CBR (constant bit rate)/VBR (variable bit rate) encoding mode used for this mount point. Consult the SHOUTcast DNAS v2 documentation for details.

    • Optimize for
      Specifies the optimization method used for this mount point. Consult the SHOUTcast DNAS v2 documentation for details.

  • Relaying
    If an autoDJ is not being used on the mount point, the mount point may be used to relay a remote stream.

    • Relay URL
      Specifies the URL of the remote stream to relay through this mount point.

Mount Point Options (IceCast)

The mount point editor is arranged into tabs which logically group sets of options for the mount point. The tabs available include:

  • Settings
    Configures the basic options for the mount point.

    • Mount point
      Specifies the name for the mount point. The name should always begin with a forward slash (/), for example: /stream

    • Intro clip
      Specifies the introduction media file for the stream. The introduction file is an MP3 file that is played immediately after each listener connects, before tuning in to the live stream. This may be useful for for station identification or advertisement purposes.

    • Fallback clip
      Specifies the fallback media file for the stream. The fallback file is an MP3 file that is played in a loop if the source stream disconnects. Without a fallback file, listeners will either hear silence, or be disconnected entirely if the source stream disconnects.

      IMPORTANT: The encoding options (bit rate, sample rate, channels, etc.) used in the introduction and fallback clips must precisely match the encoding options for the client's stream. If they are not identical, the client will experience playback problems on his stream.

  • AutoDJ Settings
    Each mount point may either be independent, or use the autoDJ.

    If the mount point is independent, it may be used with a live source to create a separate broadcast that is completely independent of any other mount points on the server.

    An account can only have a single autoDJ, however, so if the mount point uses the autoDJ, it can only be used to rebroadcast the main autoDJ stream (for example, to create multiple streams for the same station at different bit rates).

    • Use autoDJ
      Specifies whether or not this mount point should use the autoDJ. If this is set to No, the rest of the options on this tab are disabled.

    • Mount point name
      Specifies a title for this mount point. Commonly this is the name of the station.

    • Description
      Specifies a description of this mount point.

    • Genre
      Specifies a genre for this mount point.

    • Genre
      Specifies whether or not this mount point should be advertised on directory services.

    • Re-encoding
      Specifies whether or not the audio for this mount point should be re-encoded before broadcast.

    • Channels
      Specifies whether the autoDJ will encode in Stereo or Mono on this mount point.

    • Sample rate
      Specifies the sample rate at which the autoDJ will encode the audio on this mount point.

    • Bit rate Specifies the bit rate at which the autoDJ will encode the audio on this mount point. Note that the combined total bit rates of all mount points may not exceed the maximum bit rate for the account.

  • Fallback Mount
    In the event that the current mount point does not have a source connected (or the source disconnects during a broadcast), a fallback mount allows IceCast to redirect all listeners to a different mount point.

    • Fallback mount point
      Specifies the mount point to redirect listeners to when this mount point is not sourced.

    • Fallback override
      If the source disconnects from this mount point, listeners will be redirected to the fallback mount. If Fallback override is Enabled, listeners will be moved back to this mount point when its source reconnects. If Fallback override is Disabled, listeners will remain on the fallback mount even when the source reconnects to this mount point.

    • Fallback when full
      Specifies whether listeners should be redirected to the fallback mount if the current mount point is at its listener capacity.

  • Setting Overrides
    Configures settings for this mount point that override the global defaults.

    • Advertise in directory
      Specifies whether or not this mount point should be advertised with directory services.

    • Source username
      Specifies a custom username for live DJs to use when connecting to this mount point with a live source.

    • Source password
      Specifies a custom password for live DJs to use when connecting to this mount point with a live source.

    • Maximum listeners
      Specifies the maximum number of listeners for this mount point. Once the mount point reaches capacity, further listeners will be refused (or redirected to a different mount point if the Fallback when full option on the Fallback Mount tab is used.)

    • Disconnect listeners after
      Specifies the number of seconds after which listeners on this mount point will be disconnected. Leave blank or enter 0 to impose no time limit.

  • Metadata Overrides
    Configures metadata values for this mount point that override the global defaults.

    • Stream name
      Specifies a custom stream name.

    • Stream description
      Specifies a custom stream description.

    • Stream URL
      Specifies a custom stream URL.

    • Stream genre
      Specifies a custom stream genre.

    • Advertised bit rate
      Specifies a custom advertised bit rate.

    • MIME type
      Specifies a custom MIME type.

Source: Centova Cast Client Usage Guide

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