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How do I remove the covers and only display the track names (as the covers dont work properly in Centova Cast 2.2.4 or 2.2.6 anymore)?

You are correct the Amazon buy now imports are broken on Centova Cast 2.2.4. There are two things you can do at this point. You can either upload album art to the Auto DJ as described in step one. Alternatively you can upload a css file and link your recently played widget to it instead of the css file your Centova Cast server. This will allow you to customize the widget to match your website.

Option 1-Add album art images to your Auto DJ:

Centova Cast looks for cover images in the following places (in order of preference):

1. In a JPEG file with the same name as the MP3 file.

MP3 filename: My Music\mymusic.mp3
Cover filename: My Music\mymusic.jpg

2. In a JPEG file named "albumartsmall.jpg" in the same folder as the MP3 file. (This is also the default filename used by Windows explorer.)

MP3 filename: My Music\mymusic.mp3
Cover filename: My Music\albumartsmall.jpg

3. In a JPEG file named "folder.jpg" in the same folder as the MP3 file. (This is also the default filename used by Windows explorer.)

MP3 filename: My Music\mymusic.mp3
Cover filename: My Music\folder.jpg

4. Any JPEG file located in the same folder as the MP3 file. IPreference is given to those the filenames with the words "front" or "cover". If there are no filenames contain "front" or "cover", the first image Centova Cast finds will be used.

MP3 filename: My Music\mymusic.mp3
Cover filename: My Music\any_filename_will_work.jpg

5. In the ID3 tags contained within the MP3. Many MP3s come with cover art embedded within the MP3 file itself, so you don't need to upload any additional images to make this work.

If Centova Cast detects any of the above images during a media library update, it will automatically import them and use them as the cover images for the albums associated with the track.

Option 2-Customize your recently played widget:

1. Upload the css file from below to your website.

2. Replace the link to the current css file in the Recently Played Widget coding.

Example: link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""

3. Copy Paste the new code into your website.

4. Customize the css coding to customize your widget.

*Note if you need any help with css here is a nice cite to help out:

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